Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy is a state of toxicity which can "almost always" be corrected with proper diet.
Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy is a lie!
This condition is manufactured to sell this nasty drug!
Restore your pup to a healty state with diet. The diet link is above.
Prescribed patients (and dogs) are not addicted to benzodiazepines, the majority of the time, (only about 1%).
About 99% of the time, prescribed patients (and dogs) are physically dependent and a high percentage are also neurologically damaged.
If you would like to learn about this medication, benzodiazepines, provided for you are the following links.
The Ashton Manual, with a printable PDF and Kindle format if interested: The Ashton Manual
Video "What is Bind?" Video "What is Bind?"
Addiction Vs Physical Dependence Addiction Vs Physical Dependence
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